Sunday, May 12, 2013

Prodigy Oil and Gas| How to capitalize on rising fuel costs?

Prodigy Oil and Gas

How to capitalize on rising fuel costs?

Natural gas prices rose 3.6% for the front-month contract March 14th 2013 in the NY futures market and crude rose 0.6%.   This was caused by a rapid decline in US natural gas storage levels.  With uncertainty in the world markets and extended cold spells, it seems we can expect more of the same.
On the good side are investors of independent drillers and mega corporations like Shell and others. Oil and gas drilling seems to be a safe haven for the savvy investor and could likely bring larger than expected returns.  US oil production is on the rise and a part of this can be attributed to the smaller independent drillers like Preston Energy, Inc. in Dallas, TX.  Independent drillers offer the individual investor an avenue to capture these gains in oil and gas markets with the added benefit of very generous tax deductions.
For the investor who is looking for the potential for short and long term gains in oil and gas, these types of independent drillers are gold mines or rather better then gold mines.  Oil and gas use is on the rise, storage is low and long extended cold spells just seem to be fueling the flames.

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