Monday, May 13, 2013

Prodigy Oil and Gas | US Land Drilling is Surging

Because of continuous fluctuations of share market and increasing tax rate imposed by government, investors are now very much interested to invest their capital in hard assets producing sectors like oil and gas drilling investments. The US Energy Department has already declared that the average production of crude and other liquid hydrocarbons will be 11.4 million barrels per day in 2013 whereas Saudi Arabia, largest oil producers in the world, produces 11.6 million barrels per day. The rate is increasing day by day mainly because of a surge in private land based drilling ventures.

Many of these interested investors like to make partnership with small land based drilling companies like Prodigy Oil and Gas, located in Texas, because of their lower drilling costs and more favorable tax redemption as compared to large companies. In October, 2012- CBS news published an article regarding this surge in producing oil. That article’s name was “U.S. may soon become world’s top oil producer”.  It looks like inherent and experienced investors are gradually shifting to oil and gas drilling investments in 2013.

To know more, you can visit this page.
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Prodigy Oil and Gas | Oil and the Environment

There are various kinds of petroleum products like fertilizers, medicine etc. All these petroleum products are continuously helping people all over the world. But there are plenty of risks involved with the production and use of petroleum production. Even tremendous environmental pollution can result in if petroleum products are not handled properly. If drilling is not carefully monitored, it will hamper ocean environments and fragile land. 

Moreover, oil transportation should be made with huge precautions because if oil is spilled into rivers or oceans, it will endanger wildlife. When we burn gasoline to fuel our car, it also pollutes the air. In addition, the careless disposal of motor oil drained from the motor car also pollutes rivers and streams.

Because of these threat, some drilling companies like Prodigy Oil and Gas, work really hard to keep the environment clean and healthy. These companies burn diesel fuel and gasoline to burn more precisely and do everything they can to drill, process, and transport oil and its products as safely as possible.

To know more about this, visit our Prodigy Oil and Gas site.
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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Prodigy Oil and Gas| How to capitalize on rising fuel costs?

Prodigy Oil and Gas

How to capitalize on rising fuel costs?

Natural gas prices rose 3.6% for the front-month contract March 14th 2013 in the NY futures market and crude rose 0.6%.   This was caused by a rapid decline in US natural gas storage levels.  With uncertainty in the world markets and extended cold spells, it seems we can expect more of the same.
On the good side are investors of independent drillers and mega corporations like Shell and others. Oil and gas drilling seems to be a safe haven for the savvy investor and could likely bring larger than expected returns.  US oil production is on the rise and a part of this can be attributed to the smaller independent drillers like Preston Energy, Inc. in Dallas, TX.  Independent drillers offer the individual investor an avenue to capture these gains in oil and gas markets with the added benefit of very generous tax deductions.
For the investor who is looking for the potential for short and long term gains in oil and gas, these types of independent drillers are gold mines or rather better then gold mines.  Oil and gas use is on the rise, storage is low and long extended cold spells just seem to be fueling the flames.

Prodigy Oil and Gas | Return of Prodigy oil.

Those who invest in oil and gas drilling ventures may do so for the tax benefits or potential of incredibly high returns on their investment. Preston Energy’s joint ventures are structured to reduce the overall tax burden of its accredited investors by utilizing the exceptional tax benefits available to these types of investments.

The returns on an oil drilling investment can be incredibly high, with both short-term and long-term payouts. It is easier than ever to predict whether or not a well will have production capability due to advances in technology and since we drill in areas of shallower depths, the cost of drilling is considerably less than the cost of deep, vertical wells.  Striking it rich in oil is not really about luck but rather about the experience of the company that’s drilling the well.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Prodigy Oil And Gas | Invest in Prodigy Oil and Gas

Want to invest in Prodigy oil and gas? Not sure, how? Then, continue to read this article about Beginner’s Tip on Oil and Gas Investments  for beginner’s tip. You can also visit Prodigy Oil and Gas for more information.
Understand the type of Oil and Gas Industry
Remember, there are oil and gas companies out there that barely involve in actual drilling rather more interested to raise funds and then invest in drilling companies. There are also some companies that actually done the drilling and they raise their funds on their own as well.
When you are ready to invest ask them simple questions if they do the drilling as well or is there a 3rd party involve. There is always track record available that shows how they are doing. For instance, you should be able to find an area by state and zip, and by contacting local County or government about the drilling took effect and the result of that drilling.
Understand the Well
Remember, the drilling company often hits dry well and this is a common investment loss. By looking at the zone and track record, it will help you to understand in-depth. If the drilling is first time in an area that was never explored before, obviously risk factor is higher. Then there are area or zone that probably been explored as much as 20 to 30 times. There are still risk of hitting a dry zone due to low land. If you pour some oil in a bucket of water, oil will always float as you
Know. Same case here for well. If the bed rock is not flat, and if there un even bed rock or a slope that goes up and down, if the drilling hits at the peak there are chances that it will oil where if the drilling hits in a down slope or under the low area, chances are it might be just water which will turn to a dry hole.
Please come visit us more often as we will continue to write for Oil and Gas Industries.